Monday 6 February 2012

Feedback Tip for Aspiring Writers

Have you finished pages and pages of writing, and found that you're in desperate want of some constructive, unbiased feedback? Perhaps you're too shy to give your work to those around you (I'm definitely guilty of it), or have hit a bit of a block and need some honest truths about your writing style?

I was recommended this website by a friend. It's called the Page 99 Test; a simple tool to help unpublished writers get some much-wanted feedback on their work, under the premise that reading the 99th page of a book can quickly determine whether you will enjoy it or not.

But be warned; as you will so often read, as a writer it is crucial to maintain a professional detachment from your work. I am still learning this skill, and I don't find it easy. Therefore, I suggest that some of you proceed with caution - one bad review can be enough to knock someone's confidence for months, or even make them stop writing entirely. I have had some nasty comments about my work on this site (I suppose it's easier to be more brutal or mocking when hiding behind a screen anonymously), but I have also been given valuable pieces of advice from it, which I think has improved my writing style overall.

So I will leave it down to you to decide if you are ready for whatever this website can throw at you. If you do get negative reviews, don't be disheartened; the original manuscript for Harry Potter & the Philosopher's Stone was rejected 12 times before it found a publisher!

What's the worst piece of feedback you've ever been given about your writing, and how did you let it affect you; was it soul-crushing, or life changing?

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